On Sunday June 2, Golf Bastide de la Salette proudly hosted the third edition of Les Provençales, this year with the theme Golf et Art de Vivre, beating a record with 120 players taking part. This event, combining sport and Provençal culture, was a real success despite the capricious weather.

A warm, musical coffee welcome

As soon as they arrived, participants were greeted by a buffet breakfast, accompanied by the sounds of Provence. Each golfer received a Resonance Golf Collection gift tee and a limited edition Obut goal engraved with the golf logo, as well as buckets of balls to practice with before starting the competition.
Informed of the day’s program and competition rules, the 120 players were able to take part in this unique 2-person shamble. Start times were staggered from 8:00 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. for the last players.

A convivial gourmet golf course

The golf course was punctuated by gastronomic moments. The first buffet, organized by the Bastide de la Salette restaurant and hosted by the Bastide de la Salette and Sainte Baume golf course managers, featured local specialties such as caillettes varoises and anchoïade. The decor, straight out of our natural environment, enchanted the senses.

On hole 11, the association On’Tchao, mieux vivre avec la mucoviscidose offered a refreshing lemonade, adding a touch of solidarity to the day, but above all of goodwill and contagious smiles. Then, on hole 15, a food-and-wine tasting buffet, courtesy of Domaine Château Bas and Antaou aperitif products, delighted golfers’ palates.

Various competitions and events

Golfers were also able to demonstrate their skills in drive and accuracy contests, adding a competitive dimension to this convivial day.

After their round, some participants enjoyed lunch on the terrace with a complimentary Resonance aperitif. The afternoon was enlivened by a variety of activities: all-terrain petanque with our partner La Mariole, a tasting of Ricard Bio with lemon or almond flavours, wooden games for young and old provided by Divertisud, and a TrackMan competition on our connected driving range.

A fine end to the day despite the rain

Rain attempted to disrupt this exceptional event, forcing the competition director to interrupt play earlier than planned and alter the competition’s scoring to 9 rounds instead of 18. However, the warmth and conviviality of the participants made up for the vagaries of the weather, preserving the festive atmosphere right up to the end of the day.

The prize-giving ceremony took a little longer than expected, to give everyone time to enjoy the tasting stands of our partners, notably the cookie makers Maison Craquelin and Les sablés marseillais. For many of our golfers, it was a chance to discover our local specialities.


An exceptional and generous prize fund thanks to our partners, with prizes for the first 3 gross and first 3 net teams, an incentive prize for the last gross and net teams, prizes for the precision and drive competitions, and a dozen draws including a stay at Anahita Mauritius and a weekend in a BMW. Each winner received a Landolfi poster of our beautiful Provence, generously donated by Printemps La Valentine.

Each participant also went home with a basil plant to prepare the famous and tasty homemade pistou to be enjoyed this summer.

A big thank you to all the participants, to all the restaurant and golf teams who invested 200% in this event and helped make this day a memorable one, and to all our partners, who can be found below.

Partenaires Gms Les rpovencales

Your presence and enthusiasm made this event a real success.

See you next year for another edition of Les Provençales Golf et Art de Vivre! And before that, don’t forget to sign up for the third and final “stage” of this golfing tour of Provence by taking part in the Les Provençales competition on Sunday June 23 at Golf Sainte Baume.


Golf Sainte Baume contact

All those registered for the day of discovery of our exceptional place had the opportunity to enjoy a unique program.

An outdoor yoga session with Nathalie to combine relaxation with nature
A complimentary aperitif during lunch on the terrace
An introduction to golf with our instructor Bruno
The chance to enjoy our outdoor activities and entertainment.